Week 3 {Zombies Run}

Tuesday night Taryn and I did week 3 day 1 of our Zombies, Run 5K training. Phew. That KICKED my butt. This week is one minute of running (each week so far the running has increased by 15 seconds) followed by a minute of walking and then ten knee lifts. I already feel like a slug, but then to see Taryn go zooming past me – ZOOOM! She’s doing pretty awesome (I’m proud of her!) and it motivates me to want to do better (of course at her age, I was a lot faster, too).

Considering that a year ago after my IIH diagnosis, I needed help getting up and down stairs, I can’t complain – I’m pretty happy with where I am right now and my progress. I just think back to our first week and how hard the FIFTEEN seconds of running was and now I’m doing a minute and how that seems like such a big deal. It is a big deal…it’s a stepping stone. Gotta start somewhere!!!

I’m not going to bootcamp today so I’m hoping that I won’t have as much trouble tonight as I did on Tuesday night. Ironically, the worst part about our last run session was the pain in my back and shoulders from bootcamp that day.

Week 3 Day 2 INCOMING!!!!!!!!!!