66 Days of Healthy

Today marks 66 days of being healthy.  I injured myself on St. Patrick’s Day playing with a little boy (chasing each other, went around the corner, and BAM – pulled a gluteal muscle).  I thought that I was pretty much done for.  By the time I got home that evening, I couldn’t walk or put any pressure on it at all (even laying down).  I was pretty sure I was going to be going to the ER the next morning.

I was SO upset that I cried.  Here I am, finally getting my life on track and filled with amazing motivation and then yet again, I’ve hurt myself which has always completely derailed me.

I woke up Saturday morning and was afraid to get up out of bed.  But then I stood up…and could walk! Hooray! But…I could just walk.  Not much else.  I had decided to take a week off and see what would happen.  One week was absolutely not enough.  So I set it for the Monday of the next week.  That week was rainy and gross all week and just really started getting into my mind in a bad way.  It was so depressing.  I felt like I was slipping.

Then that Friday came around and I decided to pick up where I left off in my schedule.  Aaaaaaaaand I’m back on track!

My daughter and I started back up again with Zombies, Run 5k training (third start haha).  I was pretty pumped on Monday (W1D1) because during the ten minutes free run at the end, I usually walk it.  Not this time.  I ran for 30 second intervals every two to three minutes and it was SO EXCITING.

At any rate, very good week. And I’m excited to be back on track.

Setting schedules

Most of my working out in the last month has been with Chalean Johnson videos (from BeachBody).  I just really love her energy and style – she makes me feel happy even when I want to die a quick death.

I really need to incorporate strength training, so I found a great hybrid schedule for her ChaLean Extreme and TurboFire series.

Yesterday was day 2 and phew…switching from TurboJam to TurboFire is ROUGH.  But it felt really good by the time I was done.  The schedule has you doing a stretch workout after, but I think instead of that, I’m going to replace it with yoga using the three week retreat also on beachbody (honestly, I just love their videos…they’re well done and not cheesy).


I’d like to start running (see goal three from my previous post) and my daughter and I both really enjoy Zombies, Run!  We did that almost two years ago and really enjoyed it so I’d like to start doing it again.  Of course we’ll have to start over but that’s fine!

So…I think on the days that I have strength training, rather than doing that as soon as I get home, my daughter and I can hit up the park and do some Zombies, Run.  Then home to eat…and then strength training in the evening.  I was doing my workouts at 9PM (so that I had a few hours after eating), but switched to doing it as soon as I got home.  If we are eating by 7, I can still do a strength training workout at 9PM.  Right?  Right.

So much to do, so little time!!

Speaking of little time…I came back to edit this to say that I think I’m going to change my work schedule so that I’m coming in half an hour (ie getting off a half hour earlier as well).  I think that 30 minutes will really add up.

Setting goals…

I’m not only getting my body in shape, I’m also working on other things.  I’ve been studying German for the last 40 days.  I have yet to miss a day studying.  I want to go to Germany next year to do some genealogical work on my family and I’d prefer to be able to feel more part of the culture that is a part of me rather than an outsider.

I’m also in the Daughters of the American Revolution and decided it was time to really start learning about the intricacies of the revolution itself.  Thus far, I’ve listened to a 25 hour lecture course from Yale and I have some other podcasts I’ll be listening to soon.

I’ve just felt more like wanting to do more and be more lately.

I guess in some ways…do more and be less? Haha

I really want this to last.  I like the way it feels.

A lot.

So anyway, back to the goals!

Aside from specific weight-oriented goals, some other goals I have are:

Being able to wear my favorite jeans.  I should hopefully be able to wear these when I get closer to 195 or so.  That’s around where I was at when I wore them before….I think!

I have a Veronica Mars t-shirt from the Kickstarter campaign for the movie from several years ago.  It’s an XL…but it honestly looks to be about like an XS.  It’s very small.  I look at it and think “will I EVER be small enough for this???”  So who the heck knows!

I want to run in a 5K.  Not walk…but actually run.

I’m sure I’ll have more as time goes on…but some nice things to start with!

IIH sucks

I have intracranial hypertension…which basically means I have too much cerebral spinal fluid.  This fluid puts pressure on my brain causing headaches.  I had a BAD headache today.  I left work early and took my IIH headache meds when I got home…then promptly slept for five hours.  I woke up feeling groggy, but at least my head felt much better.

However, I ended up sleeping straight through lunch.  I ended up eating a bit more at dinner than I normally would, but at least I didn’t go overboard day-wise.  I’m also not working out today because I don’t think it’s a good idea given my earlier headache.

I think I’ll do some stretching, though.  I’m wanting to learn Tai-Chi and really get better with yoga, so tonight might be a good time for that.  I found a really good video series from youtube that is a lot more realistic yoga-wise, so that helps!

Also, in case I haven’t mentioned it, I found the coolest app for breathing exercises (Prana Breath).  I do the calming one as I’m lying in bed every night and I’m out like a LIGHT.  It’s awesome!  I used it when I came home from work early to help me focus and get to sleep (hard to concentrate on sleeping when you’re in a lot of pain!).

15 down…117 to go

I’ve been making a fairly big commitment as far as working out at home.  I’ll be honest in that I’ve never stayed on it this long on my own just at home.  I’ve joined gyms, I’ve done classes and have committed to them for at least a good amount of time…but at home?  That’s never stuck.

I am currently doing the Beachbody one month all access trial and I’m loving it.  I like being able to try a lot of different trainers and styles.  I usually go right back to Chalene, though (of TurboJam fame).  I just really like her positive and upbeat demeanor.  I’m trying to create a set schedule that incorporates weight training as well, but until I get actual weights (other than the laughable three pound weights I currently own), it’s pointless.  I have a bunch of those rubber stretchy resistance things, but they aren’t good for simulating weight training.  If I had the ones with handles, they’d work fine probably.  Ah, well.  I’d prefer real weights.  We’re going to look this week…maybe get lucky at Goodwill. =D

For the past two nights, I’ve somehow hoodwinked Ryan into learning ballroom dancing with me.  He puts on a show against it (but not really), but he is getting into it more than I am.  It’s a fun little extra thing to do just to get moving.  It would be awesome to get to a point where I feel comfortable enough (physically) to take ballroom dancing lessons.  I think we’d have a blast.

I’ve been doing breathing exercises when I go to bed and I gotta tell you…I’m out like a LIGHT afterwards.  I love it!

And that’s what I’m off to do now. 🙂

DietBet…almost achieved!

I’ve been steadily losing weight (the first two weeks are almost always the easiest with the most drastic changes!).  I’ve got right at about two more pounds to lose to meet my DietBet weight loss goal…and since I have 12 more days to do that, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be golden for that.  I am going to start another DietBet after that one with what I win from this bet.  Pretty excited about that.

Here lately, I’ve really been trying to find a workout routine that is enjoyable and doesn’t kill my knees.  I had an accident almost two years ago where I fell out of a really really tall vehicle (yeah, you read that right…I fell out).  My knees just haven’t been the same sense.  I’ve had shots and physical therapy and still…so much pain.

BUT, with all that said…I *am* noticing a difference in my knees going up and down the stairs.  I’m hoping with getting more active and actually USING my knees that they will get stronger (which is the whole point of physical therapy).

I’ve been trying to walk in the mornings and afternoons at work, but honestly…walking is just so so so boring.  I can make myself do it, though.  Since it’s winter, I’ve been just walking around inside my building.  I do take the long way around to the bathroom and back, though…and if I’m just standing and talking to someone, I try to keep moving (at least they know I’m just trying to get some steps in haha).

Overall, I’m feeling a lot better now than I have in awhile.

Now I just need to really focus on upping the protein in my diet.  Like, big time.

Oh, and P.S. Lost my first ten pounds.  I just have to do that nine ten more times.  No biggy, right?

P.P.S. I didn’t take measurements before I started, but I did take them last night.  So…that’s another thing I can check in a few weeks. =D

Back in the saddle…..AGAIN

I know I sound like a broken record.  But, here I am once again.  Trying.  TRYING.  I’d like to succeed for once.

I joined a DietBet for February.  By the time I realized if I didn’t get my butt in gear I’d lose my money, I’d gained four more pounds.  So that put me at having to lose even more.  Happy to say that I lost that four pounds and threw another six pounds on top of that.  Down ten pounds is definitely a good start.  The first ten days or so are usually pretty awesome.

I’m *trying* as hard as I can to make this stick this time.  I end up throwing myself into it all so hard and then I end up crashing just as hard.


Slow and steady

shamrockI’ve gone walking every day this week so far. I didn’t do any tracking or anything on Monday (and I didn’t walk very much…that was the day I timed going very poorly lol). Yesterday was the easiest since I was on the phone with one of my best friends the whole time. I ended up doing a mile and a half. I want to try to pick up my speed, but it’s harder to do that when I have inclines (it’s pretty hilly in downtown KCK). It will all come with time, though!

I had my third physical therapy session yesterday as well. She redid my knee measurements to check my progress and while it’s not a lot, there is still progress! I told her that I have stopped taking stairs (stairs are a killer on my knees right now) and she said that’s probably a good idea for right now while we work on strengthening my hip bones to help take the pressure off my knees. Obviously, I’d prefer to be healthy enough to take the stairs, but for right now, the elevator will have to do.

All in all, just going slow and steady while I build up my strength.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

First weigh-in

I replaced the batteries in the scale this morning for a quick weigh-in (I have an Aria scale, so I’ll have to get it set up for my wifi tonight when I get home). I’m trying not to be incredibly disappointed with myself, but it’s tough.


I’m such a long way off from just being under 200 pounds, which is my first goal. I know I can do it, though. I’ve done it before.

I did manage to go walking yesterday. I made the mistake of waiting until too late, though. I generally go to lunch around 1…this ended up having the negative affect of having aUntitled-2 growling stomach. It’s hard to concentrate on walking when all you can think about is how HUNGRY you are. I ended up ordering Subway on my phone and walked there to pick it up. I did manage to pull off a mile, though (1.5 miles by the end of the day). So…not a terribly bad start. Today I’ll leave for lunch at noon so that when I get back at 1, I’m good to go for eating. One of my best friends is going to start walking at the same time (she’s in Mississippi) so we can keep each other company. She’s setting a goal of walking at least one day this week (it won’t be today, though…boosauce!).


I can do this.


All right, so I didn’t start on Saturday like I planned. I didn’t go nuts, either…so I guess it works out okay. I have my fitbit charged up and I’m wearing it for the first time in at least six months (but probably more).

I checked into MyFitnessPal and my last weigh in was on July 5th. When I was at the doctor just recently, I was 222. In eight months, I managed to gain about 34 pounds.

RC and I are going on our first vacation ever (and my first vacation since 2003) in six weeks. I really want to be able to walk around and enjoy Seattle without feeling like my body is going to give out on me. To accomplish that, I am going to walk during my lunch hour. Ideally, I’d like to walk every day at lunch…but I know that most likely won’t happen. If I can manage at least three days, I’ll be happy. Considering that I used to go to a TOUGH 30 minute boot camp four days a week, I think I can manage to simply walk for 45 minutes to an hour.

Next step is to get an evening meal plan started…and get back to making non-processed dinners at home. They TASTE better, so why is the motivation so hard?

I can do this.

No more being angry at myself for falling off the wagon, the only thing I can do is just get back on.