FYI: Stretching

Hahaha, the splits, seriously? Yes, seriously! What a measure of our flexibility levels – being able to do the splits! You know you want to!

Who can do the splits? Almost anyone! Our bodies are naturally able to do them – we are born gymnasts! As the years go by, our flexibility decreases dramatically because we aren’t doing the necessary things to retain that high level. It’s not too late to amaze your friends with your new found stretching powers!

To see if you have the potential to perform the splits, there is a simple physical test you can take. Click here to take the test!


  1. Never, ever, ever attempt to begin the stretching regimen required without warming up. Jogging in place for two minutes or taking a brisk five minute walk is all it takes to protect your body from injuries. Stretching on cold muscle is unsafe!! Never stretch before you warm up. If you’re cold, stretching the little microfibers in your muscle will tear up resulting in hurting you more than helping. The only reason it feels good is because your body sends out natural painkillers. To protect your tissues, you need to raise your cardiac pulse in order to fill them with blood. The only way to do this is by working out.
  2. As with all stretches, you should not stretch to the point of intense pain! A tolerable amount of discomfort should be more than sufficient. You do not want to pull (or tear) your muscles, or be very sore the next day. Remember: discomfort is okay, pain is not!
  3. Be patient! This will not happen overnight – it takes some people years to gain the flexibility required to the splits. Just because something is possible doesn’t mean it will come easily or quickly! Don’t force your body to do something it’s not ready to do. The key is to slowly and safely increase your flexibility to the point that you are capable of performing the splits.

Now, some fun links that provide you with the appropriate methods for preparing your body to perform the splits:

Misconceptions on Stretching and Flexibility & How to Test Your Potential to Do a Side Split

How to stretch for the splits

Stretching and Flexibility – Working Toward the Splits