Journey Photos

I felt that taking a picture every day of just my face would be a good way to keep me accountable and help me to actually see my progress.

So, without further ado…check out my instagram for daily updates!

Day One (technically NOT day one, but day one of when I decided I should start doing this, which is like…a week or so after I started getting serious.  Close enough, right?):

This is an old entry that still inspires me…

Showing the image compilation below for the first time was a major step for me.  The first time I saw the first image set (taken at 210 pounds), I was so embarrassed for myself.  I couldn’t believe that’s what I looked like from the back.  I had originally taken them just for my own personal use…but after seeing the difference, I decided to share.  The feedback was amazing and really helped to keep me motivated.

I hadn’t really felt like I could tell I was losing until I took the second set of photos.  The first set was taken in November of 2004.  I had gained over 20 pounds before I started getting serious about losing weight, so the second set was taken in April of 2010.  Hard to believe I walked around like that for more than six years.  I know Rome wasn’t built in a day, so I just try to be patient as my motivation comes and goes.

Thanks for joining me!