First weigh-in

I replaced the batteries in the scale this morning for a quick weigh-in (I have an Aria scale, so I’ll have to get it set up for my wifi tonight when I get home). I’m trying not to be incredibly disappointed with myself, but it’s tough.


I’m such a long way off from just being under 200 pounds, which is my first goal. I know I can do it, though. I’ve done it before.

I did manage to go walking yesterday. I made the mistake of waiting until too late, though. I generally go to lunch around 1…this ended up having the negative affect of having aUntitled-2 growling stomach. It’s hard to concentrate on walking when all you can think about is how HUNGRY you are. I ended up ordering Subway on my phone and walked there to pick it up. I did manage to pull off a mile, though (1.5 miles by the end of the day). So…not a terribly bad start. Today I’ll leave for lunch at noon so that when I get back at 1, I’m good to go for eating. One of my best friends is going to start walking at the same time (she’s in Mississippi) so we can keep each other company. She’s setting a goal of walking at least one day this week (it won’t be today, though…boosauce!).


Mission: Possible | Take #548973

Once again, I find myself frustrated that I have to start over again after falling off the stupid wagon.  With an injury, moving, and just all the changes, I didn’t stay focused enough.  This time around, I have a wellness coach that I’m hoping can help keep me motivated.

At this point, I think I may be heavier than I have ever been. Or pretty gosh darn close.

Over the last two weeks, I have been fairly sick and in quite a bit of pain.  I’ve decided it’s because all this extra weight is…weighing me down (pun intended).  I started out with what was thought to be pneumonia or a kidney infection, then a gallbladder infection.  Two xrays, a CT, and an ultrasound later, and still nothing.

I am just SO TIRED all of the time.  I don’t mean “Gosh, I could sure use a nap” tired.  I mean, “My body feels like it wants to collapse and never move again” tired.

So, enough is enough!  I am going to get my Fitbit charged up, put fresh batteries in the scale, and start using MyFitnessPal again.  Because I am so weak and having trouble just sweeping the floor, I am going to start slow and just walk every day (hoping I can get RC to walk with me!).

Almost a year ago, I had a pretty bad injury due to my massive klutziness.  I managed to fall out of a Bronco (don’t worry, it wasn’t moving!) and landed right on my knee.  I ended up putting a lot of stress on my other knee to pick up the slack.  After seeing an orthopedist, I learned that I have arthritis in both of my knees that was exacerbated by the additional stress from the injury.  A month ago I started physical therapy to strengthen my knees.

I’d love to start going to the gym again, but until I have a lot more use of my knee again, I know it will be a waste.  Thankfully, summer is right around the corner, and I have easy (free!) access to a pool so that I can also get exercise in a safe-on-my-knees environment.

As far as nutritional goals, I plan on going back to doing juices and smoothies again.  Smoothies for breakfast and juices for supplements (so I can get some good nutrients in me!).

I’ll do measurements and my first weigh in this weekend.  Woohoo!