Turbo Jam 1: Learn & Burn

Last night was my first experience with Chalene Johnson’s Turbo Jam series. I have to say, that while I’m hurting today, it felt GOOD and it was actually fun! My favorite thing about this series is the Learn segment. Chalene takes you through the 11 moves that are used during the workouts. I wish that the FIRM had the same thing – it would make learning a lot of the things they do that much easier.

I had no trouble getting any of the moves down, except for the “Twist.” I have zero coordination, so while I know I’m not doing it exactly like her, I’m pretty close (I think lol) and I know my technique will improve over time. It was the only one I kept going back to watch again and again and try over and over. The way she explains all the moves makes it easy to understand what exactly you’re supposed to be doing. I can’t imagine doing this workout without the guide – it was that good!

The Learn segment is followed up by Burn, where each of the moves is put into play in a 16 minute basic workout. I’m sure I’ll be doing this workout several times before moving on – which she recommends doing if you feel that you still need to master the moves. I won’t lie – it may be a short workout, but it kicks some serious butt!

Chalene is not one bit annoying or irritating – she makes the workout that much more fun and you really feel that she wants you to succeed.

My second favorite thing about this series…there is a PROGRESS TIMER on the bottom of the screen! It tells you what segment of the workout you’re doing (warm-up, cool down, etc) and how much time is in that section, plus how much time you have left for the workout over all! Toward the end, I was really hurting, but I saw that I had just five minutes left, and I knew I could make it, it was just five more silly minutes! It was great having that to motivate me along!

I give Turbo Jam 1: Learn & Burn a definite 10. It maxes out in fun, has a great instructor, motivates you along with the handy dandy timer, and actually teaches you how to do each of the moves. I still have two other workouts on the Turbo Jam DVD to try out, but I’m going to stick with the Burn workout a few more times before moving on.

(originally posted March 28, 2007 by me)