Slow and steady

shamrockI’ve gone walking every day this week so far. I didn’t do any tracking or anything on Monday (and I didn’t walk very much…that was the day I timed going very poorly lol). Yesterday was the easiest since I was on the phone with one of my best friends the whole time. I ended up doing a mile and a half. I want to try to pick up my speed, but it’s harder to do that when I have inclines (it’s pretty hilly in downtown KCK). It will all come with time, though!

I had my third physical therapy session yesterday as well. She redid my knee measurements to check my progress and while it’s not a lot, there is still progress! I told her that I have stopped taking stairs (stairs are a killer on my knees right now) and she said that’s probably a good idea for right now while we work on strengthening my hip bones to help take the pressure off my knees. Obviously, I’d prefer to be healthy enough to take the stairs, but for right now, the elevator will have to do.

All in all, just going slow and steady while I build up my strength.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

First weigh-in

I replaced the batteries in the scale this morning for a quick weigh-in (I have an Aria scale, so I’ll have to get it set up for my wifi tonight when I get home). I’m trying not to be incredibly disappointed with myself, but it’s tough.


I’m such a long way off from just being under 200 pounds, which is my first goal. I know I can do it, though. I’ve done it before.

I did manage to go walking yesterday. I made the mistake of waiting until too late, though. I generally go to lunch around 1…this ended up having the negative affect of having aUntitled-2 growling stomach. It’s hard to concentrate on walking when all you can think about is how HUNGRY you are. I ended up ordering Subway on my phone and walked there to pick it up. I did manage to pull off a mile, though (1.5 miles by the end of the day). So…not a terribly bad start. Today I’ll leave for lunch at noon so that when I get back at 1, I’m good to go for eating. One of my best friends is going to start walking at the same time (she’s in Mississippi) so we can keep each other company. She’s setting a goal of walking at least one day this week (it won’t be today, though…boosauce!).